Bully Dance

200010 min 14 secFilm: Animation, Children's film, Fiction

Direction: Janet Perlman

Production: David VerrallMarcy Page

Script: Janet Perlman

Produced by the National Film Board of Canada in association with UNICEF and Justice Canada.

The "stick people" in Bully Dance are imaginary, but this gritty tale is all too familiar. Like the dance beat pulsating throughout the film, the bully's intimidation of a smaller victim is unrelenting; no one stops the dance until serious harm is inflicted. While Bully Dance offers no simple solutions, it does compel viewers--teachers, parents and children--to take stock of their actions and to find ways to end peer abuse.

This film is part of the ShowPeace series of lively animated films about conflict resolution. This series has received support from UNICEF and Justice Canada. For teaching guides, a parents' guide and recommended resources visit www.nfb.ca/showpeace

Technique: Drawings on paper with computer rendering

Other versions

Subject categories

  • Social Issues > ChildrenViolence
  • Psychology and Psychiatry > Coping with Problems
  • Children and Youth > Peer RelationshipsViolence and Child Abuse
  • Health/Personal Development > Bullying & Discrimination
  • English Language Arts > CanLit
  • Social Studies > Communities in Canada/World
  • Family Studies/Home Economics > Relationships


Janet Perlman
Janet Perlman
Janet Perlman
Janet Perlman
Judith Gruber-Stitzer
sound design
Judith Gruber-Stitzer
animation assistance
Luigi Allemano
Sylvain Lavoie
Randall Finnerty
digital imaging - assistance
Osama Afify
digital imaging resources
Ines Hardtke
Pierre Plouffe
Marie-Nicole Tremblay
Jean Paul Vialard
post-production coordination
Éric Barbeau
Richard Lesage
Gisèle Guilbault
executive producer
David Verrall
Marcy Page


  • Festival Prize for Best Animation FilmFestival internacional de Cine para Ninos / DIVERCINE
  • Guri Prize - Best Film or Video production of the festivalFestival internacional de Cine para Ninos / DIVERCINE
  • First Prize short film & video animation given by the adult Jury in recognition of outstanding achievement in children's mediaInternational Children's Film Festival
  • Honorable Mention - Category: Contemporary Social IssuesItinerant - National Council on Family Relations
  • Golden Slipper Award - Category: Animated FilmInternational Film Festival for Children and Youth
  • Festival Partner Prize - by Kodak for best animated film - with 1220 metres of film material Kodak VisionInternational Film Festival for Children and Youth
  • Chris Statuette - Category: Education and Information International Film and Video Festival
  • Award for Best Animated Short Film given by the Children's juryFestival International du film pour enfants (FIFEM)
  • Grand Prix de Montréal - Category: Best Short FilmFestival International du film pour enfants (FIFEM)