Forest Alert

19991 h 8 min 33 secFilm: Documentary


Direction: Richard DesjardinsRobert Monderie

Production: Bernadette PayeurÉric Michel

Script: Richard Desjardins

Co-produced by ACPAV Inc. and the NFB.

We tend to see the forest as infinite, eternal. But this precious resource, once thought to be inexhaustible, is under threat. Forest Alert breaks through the silence and ignorance surrounding current forestry practices and questions our collective responsibility for the destruction of Quebec's rich timberlands. The script is typical of acclaimed Quebec singer/songwriter Richard Desjardins: strong words, striking imagery, paradoxes that challenge how our forests are managed. Opinions are firmly held and diametrically opposed. There are those who cherish this precious legacy and are worried about our exploitation of it. There are those, in government and industry, who swear that the forest will be preserved for future generations. Citing the concerns of professional foresters, the film is a direct attack on the depredation of what should be a sustainable resource. Forest Alert asks the ultimate question: Are our forests in good hands? In French with English subtitles.


Subject categories

  • Forestry > Conservation and ReforestationDeforestationForest IndustriesQuébecResource Management
  • Environment and Conservation > ForestsRain Forests
  • Civics/Citizenship > Citizen Responsibilities
  • Media Education > Documentary Film
  • Social Studies > EconomicsEnvironmental Challenges
  • Science > Environmental Science
  • Geography > Human GeographyNatural Resources


Richard Desjardins
Robert Monderie
Bernadette Payeur
Éric Michel
Richard Desjardins
Jacques Leduc
Marcel Chouinard
Alain Belhumeur
Michel Gauvin
online editing
Julie Monette
computer graphics
Daniel Mireault
Jean-François Groulx
Benoît Groulx
Yvon Desjardins
Bertrand Poirier
Louis-Jean Lussier
Guy Lessard
Jean Tremblay
Michel Béland
Diane Koch
Isaac Dixon
Lucien Filion
Léopaul Gaudreau
Vincent Gérardin
Gilles Lemieux
Jacques Robitaille
Serge Tanguay
Luc Bouthillier
Pierre Dubois
Gaston Déry


  • Honorable Mention - Category: Best Writing Category (Richard Desjardins)Hot Docs
  • Jutra Award - Category: Best DocumentaryGala Québec Cinéma
  • Grand prix du festival, mention environnement - with a cash prize of 12,500FFFestival international du film nature et environnement
  • "Prix du développement durable en milieu rural" Ecofilm
  • Prix du Reportage/Magazine - with a cash prize of 10,000FrsInternational Environment Film Festival / FIFE