The Illuminated Life of Maud Lewis

199850 minFilm: Documentary


Direction: Peter d'Entremont

Production: Peter d'EntremontMike MahoneyKent MartinDon HaigChristopher ZimmerSally Bochner

Script: Lance Gerard Woolaver

Co-produced by Triad Film Productions Limited and the NFB in association with Vision TV; with the participation of the Nova Scotia Film Development Corp. and with sponsorship from the MT&T New Media and Culture Innovation Fund.

Maud Lewis was disfigured, impoverished and married to a man who "wasn't exactly Prince Charming"--but she produced a torrent of sparkling, joyous paintings. During her lifetime, Maud's works sold for as little as two dollars each. Today, she is Canada's most famous folk artist. Thousands pack galleries around the world to marvel at her uplifting paintings. The Illuminated Life of Maud Lewis is the first film to tell Maud's whole story: from her carefree childhood, to the onset of the rheumatoid arthritis that would cripple her body and gnarl her hands, to the tragic story of the daughter she never knew she had. Through this wonderful film, we experience the beauty and simplicity of the paintings that gave meaning to her life.

Subject categories

  • Visual Arts > Atlantic RegionPaintingWomen Artists
  • Women - Portraits > Visual Arts and Crafts


Peter d'Entremont
Peter d'Entremont
Mike Mahoney
Kent Martin
executive producer
Don Haig
Christopher Zimmer
Sally Bochner
Lance Gerard Woolaver
Michael Koszyca
Arthur McKay
Phil Comeau
sound editing
John Rosborough
Serge Boivin
Deborah Allen
Sandy Moore
Phyllis Essex-Fraser
Ken Maher
Cora Greenaway
Philip Raymond Woolaver
Nate Bain
Kathleen Gavel
Marie Hersey
Theresa Hersey
Arthur Sullivan
Frank Lewis
Keith Amiro
Paul Muise


  • Award for Sound Editing (John Rosborough)Atlantic International Film Festival
  • Award for Music Composition (Sandy Moore)Atlantic International Film Festival
  • Margaret Perry Award - Best Nova Scotia Produced Film - with a cash prize of 2,000$ in film stock.Atlantic International Film Festival
  • Special Jury AwardYorkton Film Festival