Island of Whales

199054 min 54 secFilm: Documentary

Direction: Mike Poole

Production: George JohnsonJack SilbermanGillian DarlingJerry AppletonJim Darling

Script: Mike Poole

Co-produced by the NFB and Island of Whales Productions Ltd. with the financial assistance of B.C. Film, Telefilm Canada, BC TV, CHCH, Nova, Environment Canada and Central TV.

This film joins five of the world's leading whale researchers on a scientific expedition around Canada's Vancouver Island. Spectacular photography and sound recording, both above and under water, provide an imtimate look at killer, gray, and humpback whales, and the world they inhabit. Island of Whales examines the communication, habitat, food supply and behaviour of whales. What emerges is a picture of creatures more sophisticated and complex than ever before imagined. At the end of the film, we are left with one compelling question: Can these magnificent creatures survive in the face of declining food supplies and pollution?


Subject categories

  • Environment and Conservation > Animal LifeOceans, Seas and Estuaries
  • Animals > Aquatic AnimalsResearch, Evolution and Animal Behaviour
  • Geography > Environmental Issues
  • Science > Environmental ScienceLife Systems/Ecology


Mike Poole
Mike Poole
George Johnson
Jack Silberman
Gillian Darling
executive producer
Jack Silberman
Gillian Darling
Jerry Appleton
associate producer
Jim Darling
Rudolf Kovanic
Chris Aikenhead
Shelly Hamer
sound editing
Ingrid Rosen
Joe Grimaldi
Gregory Peck
Bruce Ruddell