Joe and Roxy

195728 min 50 secFilm: Fiction

Direction: Don Haldane

Production: Julian Biggs

Script: Gordon Burwash

The second of three dramas on adolescence, this film deals with teenagers in love. Joe and Roxy, at fifteen and sixteen respectively, face more than the usual number of teen-age problems. Roxy, the product of a broken home, tries to keep her romantic illusions alive against her mother's worry and disappointment in life. Joe turns unsuccessfully to his father, a man of narrow mind and dull sensibilities, to help him decide his future. In their story the film contrasts the teenagers' need for absolute rules with the confusion of adult standards.

Subject categories

  • Families > AdolescentsFamily Conflicts
  • Children and Youth > Family Life


Don Haldane
Julian Biggs
Gordon Burwash
John Foster
Frank Orban
Donald Ginsberg
sound editing
Stuart Baker