Le quêteux Tremblay (English Version)

197725 min 46 secFilm: Documentary

Direction: Michel BraultAndré Gladu

Production: Michel Brault (Nanouk Films Ltée)André Gladu (Nanouk Films Ltée)

This title is an acquisition.

Gaspé fiddler William Tremblay describes his lifestyle. In times past, Quebec’s quêteux—neither beggars nor homeless—had a social function. They were respected figures who brought news, told tales and stories, cast spells, and were often fine musicians. In exchange, they were welcomed, lodged, and fed.

Part of


Subject categories

  • Music > Folk MusicQuebec Musicians
  • Seniors > Isolation and Solitude
  • Social Issues > Rural Life


Michel Brault
André Gladu
Michel Brault
André Gladu