Profile of a Problem Drinker

195729 min 20 secFilm: Documentary, Fiction

Direction: Stanley Jackson

Production: Tom Daly

Script: Stanley Jackson

Produced by the National Film Board of Canada in cooperation with the Mental Health Divisions of the Canadian Department of National Health and Welfare and the Ontario Department of Health.

In telling the story of David Spear this film looks beyond the familiar picture of the alcoholic to the insecurities and inner motivations that cause people to lean on alcohol. Liquor became so important to David that it threatened his job and his home life. The doctor to whom he finally turns explains the medical and other resources available to him and helps him to an understanding of the real reasons behind his uncontrolled drinking.

Subject categories

  • Health and Medicine > Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco
  • Psychology and Psychiatry > Substance Abuse
  • Social Issues > Substance Abuse


Stanley Jackson
Stanley Jackson
Tom Daly
Reginald Morris
Gary O'Neil
William Greaves
sound editing
Stuart Baker